
FFPE Blocks

Frozen Tissue

Frozen Tissue for Research Samples

Obtain viable cryopreserved fresh frozen tissue for research from healthy, normal, and diseased patients.

It is well known. New fresh frozen tissue for research can be exceptionally difficult and capricious to source. Having a dependable other option, one that intently imitates getting new careful tissue, however with added adaptability and quick accessibility, can assist with keeping your examination projects on target. ibiospecimen assists you with obtaining both feasibly cryopreserved tissue and snap-frozen tissue.

Reasonably cryopreserved tissue (or frozen tissue for  research and sale) is intended to be a reasonable substitution for new tissue upon defrost and has a flexible scope of relevant purposes, including live cell measures, genomic examination, stream cytometry and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Cryoporeserved tissue likewise holds tissue heterogeneity, frequently containing malignant growth undifferentiated cells and cancer-invading lymphocytes (TILs).

Frozen Tissue

Finding the Right Urine Specimen Match

Using the ibiospecimen Marketplace®, researchers can easily search and request human urine samples that match a donor’s profile. These requirements may include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical Conditions
  • Outcomes Data
  • Social & Family History
  • Demographics
  • Medical Procedures
  • Tests & Test Results

A New, Efficient Way of Finding Frozen Tissue for research

Intuitive specimen search

Intuitive specimen search

Through a single link on the ibiospecimen Marketplace®, you can take advantage of our broad and growing portfolio of hospitals, biobanks, practice groups, commercial laboratories, HIEs, and any other healthcare organization providing millions of diagnostic samples and patient visits.
Streamlined ordering and procurement

Streamlined ordering and procurement

Search the ibiospecimen Marketplace for stock tissue samples or contact our biosampling experts to discuss storage requirements. We will help simplify the supply chain - from small to large, from simple to complex, from feasibility to realization
One contract—hundreds of providers

One contract—hundreds of providers

We manage contracts and compliance procedures for all participating facilities, providing one-on-one access to biosamples collected and managed by hundreds of clinical centers worldwide. Say goodbye to time-consuming, paper-heavy multi-vendor management with ibiospecimen.

The World is Your Biobank

Expand Your Patient Sets By Tapping Into Our Global Network

Our network reaches many people all over the world, so you can reach beyond the limited or limited number of patients.

Procuring Biospecimens For Precision Medicine

With ibiospecimen you have more access to different samples that meet your design and information needs.

Access the Frozen Tissue You Need for Your Research