
FFPE Blocks

Human Whole Blood Samples

Access whole blood products from healthy and diseased patients from diverse donor populations.

Ibiospecimen offers access to the leftover, banked, and fresh human whole blood samples and data required to further your study, whether your research organization is carrying out genetic studies, verifying medical devices, or creating blood-based diagnostic procedures.

Ibiospecimen provides access to entire blood samples from a wide range of ill individuals, including those with a variety of cancer types, lupus, diabetes, and other conditions, as well as normal, healthy specimens.

Working with close providers in our network allows us to assist our customers who require specimen delivery within hours of collection, but our worldwide network also links our clients to ethnically diverse patients from various geographical places.

Human Whole Blood Samples

Finding the Right Whole Blood Match

The ibiospecimen Marketplace® allows researchers to request human whole blood that matches a specific donor profile. These requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical Conditions
  • Demographics
  • Outcomes Data
  • Medical Procedures
  • Social & Family History
  • Tests & Test Results
Finding the Right Whole Blood Match

Whole Blood Specifications & Handling Information

Whole blood derivatives

Whole blood derivatives

We can source fresh whole blood as well as blood derivatives such as serum, plasma, and buffy coat as clinical relics, archived research specimens, or bespoke research collections.
Optimal storage & shipping conditions

Optimal storage & shipping conditions

Exacting necessities power the want for rather unique garage and transport logistics. Researchers can choose unique series and garage containers, in addition to stringent garage and transport temperatures from -eighty stages for long run balance to ambient temperatures for fresh, equal day deliveries.
Protocol for healthy normals

Protocol for healthy normals

Each donor will be screened for medication, lifestyle and medical history. Additionally, samples can be tested for her HBV, HCV, HIV, and a wide range of infections. ibiospecimen helps you obtain sample volumes ranging from 1 mL to 500 mL per donor for any collection.

Recent Projects with Human Whole Blood Products for Research

Expedited Delivery of Blood Samples for IVD Companies

An in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) company validating hematology tests needed fresh whole blood samples. ibiospecimen met the challenge by delivering these samples within four hours of collection.

Quick-Turn Prospective Collection, Healthy Normals

For a recent client project, ibiospecimen delivered the standard 2 mL aliquots of whole blood from healthy normal controls, doing so within eight hours of collection.

Access the Whole Blood Samples You Need for Your Research