
FFPE Blocks

Serum & Plasma

Human Serum & Plasma Samples

ibiospecimen provides access to human serum and plasma samples to advance all kinds of research.

Find the right serum and plasma samples for your research

ibiospecimen provides access to one of the largest and most diverse collections of human serum and plasma ibiospecimen offered by the life sciences industry. Harness the power of our global network of hundreds of sample providers to target very different patient profiles.

We can help you obtain residual and pooled clinical serum and plasma samples that have been tested for specific infections or chemicals. Additionally, our suppliers may collect samples in the future from patients with certain medical conditions or meAccess our global network of sample providers who can provide normal human serum and plasma as well as disease-state serum and plasma samples.dical histories. This range includes sera from healthy and diseased patients, as well as double and single spin plasma in various buffers.

Human Serum & Plasma Samples

Richly Annotated ibiospecimen Data

All serum and plasma samples offered on the ibiospecimen Marketplace are comprehensively annotated and contain anonymized patient data including::

  • Diagnoses
  • Outcomes data
  • Demographics
  • Medications & procedures
  • Pathology reports
  • Clinical lab test results & procedural test results (colonoscopy, mammogram, MRI, etc.)
Richly Annotated ibiospecimen Data

Sourcing Serum & Plasma in the ibiospecimen Marketplace

Varied disease & analyte access

Varied disease & analyte access

Through the Ibiospecimen Marketplace, we display highly specific patient and specimen information. B. Health status, test and test results, processing and storage conditions, country of collection, etc.
Rapid turnaround times

Rapid turnaround times

Today's research often requires serum or plasma processed within 2-4 hours of collection. Depending on the vendor's proximity to the location, these items can often be delivered within hours.
Double-spun plasma

Double-spun plasma

The ibiospecimen can also access dual rotating plasmas. Many researchers prefer plasma processed in this manner because it further separates platelets and white blood cells that may remain after the initial centrifugation.

Product Collection Specifications

Provides detailed information about dosing

For the remaining collections, procure 1 ml serum and plasma as standards. Aside from residual volume, samples of any size greater than 0.25ml can be individually collected.

Collection and processing tubes

ibiospecimenn can collect bank orders in EDTA, ACD and LiHep tubes. For customized collections, customers can request collections in any type of tube.

Access the Serum & Plasma Samples You Need for Your Research